On October 19th & 20th 2019 Street Photography Italy (SPI) and FIAF collaborate for the exhibition the "Street Photography Italy Exhibition Florence" and I'll be one of the contributing photographers. The event will take place in ZAP - Zona Aromatica Protetta. It features workshops, photowalks and an exhibition with 40 photographs from the international street photography scene.
- ← German Street Photography Festival 2019 Some of my photographs are currently exhibited in the curated part of the group show "Mein Kiez", which ist part of the 1st edition of German Street Photography Festival that takes place from June 21st to June 23rd in Goldbekhaus in Hamburg. In the… Book: Street Photography - Attenzione! Può creare dipendenza → Just recently Italian photographer, author and teacher Sara Munari published her new book "Street Photography - Attenzione! Può creare dipendenza" (248 pages). It digs into the history of the genre, but also features important contemporary authors both…