August 25th will be the opening night of The Street Collective's first major exhibition in Abecita Konstmuseum in Borås/Sweden. The show will run until Nov. 12th and there will be about 100 big size prints on display. Most of the collective’s members will be in Sweden for the opening weekend and there will be a photowalk in Gothenburg on Aug. 27th. Facebook event.
- ← "Via!": Off to La Spezia After Palermo and Venezia the travel exhibition "Via! " moves on to La Spezia. Opening is on June 8th. "Via!"-photographer Umberto Verdoliva will be present to talk about the project. Vernissage: Schwarze Kiste / Augsburg → „Das eigentliche Mysterium der Welt ist das Sichtbare, nicht das Unsichtbare.” (Oscar Wilde) Unter dem Ausstellungstitel „SCHWARZ AUF WEISS” zeige ich ab dem 4. August (Vernissage: 19 Uhr) in der „Schwarzen Kiste” am Königsplatz/Augsburg…